Showing posts with label Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garden. Show all posts

Easy Peasy Avocado plant grow at home

Didn’t know that growing Avocado at home is this easy at home. No need to buy expensive Avocado plant at nursery, instead I grow at home.

I love Avocado due to the it’s health benefits as Avocado has healthy fats and reduce the risk of heard disease.

Refer to the following steps and video for detailed process to grow an avocado tree from avocado seed. Now you have no need to look for Avocado for sale” advertisements

1.   Steps 1: Take an Avocado seed from the fruit and peel its skin off. Some people leave the skin on, but I prefer taking the skin off because if you leave the skin on then the seed is very much prone to get algae or moulds growing on it. Also taking the skin off helps the root and shoot to pop out easily. 

2.   Step 2: After taking the skin off insert two or three toothpicks in the seed in order to hold the seed in the cup/glass of water in a way that the seed sits halfway in the water. The bottom of the seed in immersed in water whereas the top part is in the air (as shown in the video).

3.   .Step 3:After approximately 2 months, I could see the crack at the bottom of the seed from where the root will come out. It takes around 5 to 6 months for the seed to give out leaves. Some seeds might take even more longer to sprout. Keeping the seed in warm temperature might assist in sprouting quicker. You might also need to keep an eye on the water if needs changing.

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