Steps to setup automatic time zone change in Samsung Galaxy/ Android phone

Yes, this is one of cool features I like in smart phones. When I go overseas, my Android/ Samsung galaxy S2 phone time changes to respective country local time zone.

This article explains the steps to configure automatic time zone change in Samsung Galaxy S2 or android smart phones.

1.       On the home page, select  settings- system ( At the end of the settings) and then select “date and time”

2.       In the next screen, you see “automatic time zone”. Select ( check ) this option to enable automatically change time based on local time zone

3.       By enabling the automatic time zone option, it automatically disables the option to set date and time

4.       To set the date and time manually “automatic date and time” option should be unchecked. If you select “automatic date and time” check box, you cannot set date and time manually.

With this you are done. Enjoy your overseas trip :-)

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